The RxSafe RxASP 20 Adherence Packaging system has made a significant impact to the efficiency of a Community Independent Pharmacy, Love Oak Pharmacy.
Special Guest & RxSafe Customer:
Nicole Hagaman Marketing Consultant C: 760-445-5060 E: 2453 Cades Way, Vista, CA 92081
July 31, 2021
The RxSafe RxASP 20 Adherence Packaging system has made a significant impact on the efficiency of a Community Independent Pharmacy, Love Oak Pharmacy.
Topic: How RxASP 20 adherence packaging has allowed Ben to introduce a tangible product to his customers and increase revenue and profitability in the process.
Ben McNabb, Owner of Love Oak Pharmacy and RxSafe customer
Nicole Hagaman Marketing Consultant C: 760-445-5060 E: 2453 Cades Way, Vista, CA 92081
RxSafe believes in a partnership approach to pharmacy automation. We’ve listened to retail and outpatient pharmacies voice their needs and concerns to improve patient safety and patient health outcomes while reducing DIR fees. Our response? Innovative technology solutions designed to accelerate your pharmacy’s success.
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