Pharmacist Ben McNabb on Reducing DIR Fees


Recoupment of DIR Fees

In the video above, independent pharmacy owner Ben McNabb of Love Oak Pharmacy in Eastland, TX talks about managing DIR fees, improving profitability, and keeping patients adherent.

"Having adherence packaging and a RapidPak gives us that extra tool that we need to maximize our profitability by improving those adherence measures through EQuIPP"

"I don't see performance based payment models going's unavoidable, in my opinion," says Ben McNabb.

"Adherence measures are weighted the most at contributing to your DIR, so they're the ones we focus on most."

"Strip packaging has made a big impact on our scores. When we purchased the pharmacy we were more or less a 3-star pharmacy and now after adherence packaging, we are a 5-star pharmacy."

Brady Chatfield

Brady Chatfield is Director of Marketing at RxSafe. Brady has more than two decades of experience in marketing, from leading his own online marketing firms to serving as a consultant for various software, healthcare, and manufacturing firms. His expertise is in helping B2B companies grow through careful planning and execution of both traditional and digital marketing strategies. Connect with Brady through LinkedIn or through the Forbes Communication Council.