We know that independent pharmacy owners are busy running their essential businesses. From filling scripts to offering COVID-19 testing and vaccinations,…

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Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company might be a major game changer in the independent pharmacy industry. This new drug manufacturer/distributor is working…
It’s no secret that independent pharmacies are facing a variety of challenges that threaten their survival. PBMs, shrinking reimbursements, and chain…
Since the start of the pandemic, the nation has seen a spike in demand for at-home medical services. There is a growing aging population that does not …
Before the COVID-19 vaccine was available, independent pharmacies quickly jumped on the opportunity to offer testing to their communities. This helped…
Many believe that the opioid epidemic acceleratedin 2020due to fallout from the pandemic. The CDC reports that there were over 81,000 drug overdose death
What is something that continues to hurt both independent pharmacies and patients?Rising drug prices.
Independent pharmacy owners are constantly searching for innovative solutions to stay relevant in a growing industry. From growing competition to …
Looking to increase your pharmacy’s competitive advantage in 2021?
Gosney Long Term Care (LTC) Pharmacy, located in Hannibal, Missouri, was searching for a solution that would allow for longer day fills. The pharmacy…