Whether it’s blister card filling automation or strip packaging solutions, multimed adherence packaging is key to healthier patients and a healthy bottom…

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The US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released its list of the first 10 drugs that Medicare will target for price negotiations…
This blog has been following Mark Cuban’s attempt to disrupt the pharmaceutical industry since he launched his eponymous Cost Plus Drug Company about 2.5…
National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is observed in the month of August to highlight the importance of immunizations for people of all ages, from…
The summer of 2023 has seen record-breaking heat across the country, as well as unprecedented heat waves across the globe.
Demonstrating once again that the healthcare business is a tough nut to crack, Amazon recently laid off about 80 employees from its Amazon Pharmacy…
After surviving the uncertainties of working during lockdowns, dealing with drug shortages and supply chain issues, and coping with increased demands on…
Frequent readers of our blog know that med sync coupled with adherence packaging not only benefits patients, but improves your pharmacy workflow, relieves…
From New York City to San Francisco, retail theft is on the rise, and pharmacies are increasingly susceptible to the trend.
Adherence packaging can give independent pharmacies a competitive advantage over retail chains, mail-order pharmacies – and even over giants like Amazon –…